By Zoey Sky
Grapes have long been hailed as the “food of the gods” … they contain powerful antioxidants that protect your health
Grapes, or Vitis vinifera, has a scientific name that translates to “the vine that bears wine.” The vine produces berries that are either green (also known as “white”) or red. There are seed and seedless grape varieties, but grape seeds are edible and full of nutrients. Grape juice, pulp, skin, and seeds can be used for various preparations. The […]
By Edsel Cook
Tunisian dates keep your immune system strong… here’s how
A new study reported that the seeds of the Tunisian dates are an untapped, rich, and inexpensive source of polyphenols. These bioactive compounds have powerful antioxidant properties that can strengthen the immune system by scavenging free radicals and preventing oxidative stress that damages cells. Polyphenols and other natural oxidants are drawing a lot of interest […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Avocados are one of the simplest and most satisfying ways to prevent degenerative disease
A degenerative disease is a condition wherein the structure or function of certain organs or tissues worsen over time. Heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and arthritis are just a few examples of degenerative diseases. Fortunately, adhering to a healthy lifestyle greatly reduces the risk of developing many of the conditions that fall under this term. […]
By Janine Acero
Which fruits are safe to eat if you’re diabetic?
It’s common knowledge that fruits (and vegetables) promote overall health. However, for certain people, such as those with Type 2 diabetes, some of these foods may aggravate their condition. It is important to choose which ones can give them the proper nutrition without worrying about raising their blood sugar levels too much. One study involving over 45,000 […]
By Zoey Sky
7 Reasons why you should start eating more blueberries
Aside from being abundant in antioxidants, blueberries, dubbed the “king of antioxidant fruits,” offers a wide range of health benefits. In fact, several studies have proven that simply eating less than one cup of these berries every day can help lower your risk of developing cancer and heart disease. Blueberries can even help slow brain […]
By Michelle Simmons
An apple a day can help prevent diabetes
An apple a day really keeps the doctor away. New health guidelines suggested that eating apple a day could help prevent diabetes. Other foods and drinks, such as yogurt, cheese, and regular cups of tea or coffee, are also being recommended in new health guidelines designed to prevent diabetes. A team of researchers from Oxford […]
By Isabelle Z.
Herbal and fruit supplement found to be more effective at managing diabetes than metformin drug
Type 2 diabetes can be a tricky illness to manage. In many cases, it is entirely possible to keep it under control with proper diet and regular exercise, and the lack of side effects makes this the most prudent approach for many people. However, others turn to diabetes drugs like Metformin to manage their condition, […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Fruits and vegetables improve lung function: Just one extra serving every day can decrease your risk of disease by 24%
American physician, author, and speaker on public health issues Dr. Michael Heschel Greger, who wrote the book How Not to Die in 2016, is saying that a plant-based diet can safeguard you and your family against lung disease. According to Dr. Greger, data going back 50 years revealed that a high intake of fruits and […]
By Zoey Sky
Beat diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and dementia by choosing the right foods
If you knew about a “miracle pill” that could significantly boost your health and lifespan, wouldn’t you want to know more about it? According to Dr. Michael Greger, a renowned doctor at some of the top medical institutions in the United States, a “simple dietary prescription” he calls the “Daily Dozen” can do just that. […]
By Russel Davis
Mangoes might be the ultimate superfood for diabetes: New science finds they control both blood sugar and blood pressure
Eating mangoes may hold potential in preventing metabolic disorders and diabetes, according to four separate studies presented at the 2017 Experimental Biology Conference. In one of the studies, a team of researchers at the Texas A&M University’s Department of Nutrition and Food Science examined how lean and obese individuals absorbed, metabolized, and excreted gallic acid, galloyl glycosides, and gallotannin following mango consumption for […]
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